Nous ne partirons pas : ici c’est chez nous, là où nous vivons et luttons II
Texte original en espagnol : Lettre dirigée au monde : ici c’est chez nous, là où nous vivons et luttons II Maintenant que les 48 heures d’ultimatum... Read More
Letter to the world: We are not leaving: this is our home to live and fight II
Now that the 48 hours have passed, we send this letter to the world to tell about our struggle and the danger that awaits us,... Read More
Carta ao mundo: Esta é a nossa casa para viver e lutar II
Agora que as 48 horas acabaram, enviamos esta carta ao mundo para contar-lhes sobre nossa luta e o perigo que estamos enfrentando e o que... Read More
Letter to the world: We are not leaving: this is our home to live and fight II
Now that the 48 hours have passed, we send this letter to the world to tell about our struggle and the danger that awaits us,... Read More